Stress Management with Phil Hutchinson

Thursday, 22 Feb 2024

Learn practical stress management techniques from Phil Hutchinson, an expert from Lantern.

stress management session with phil hutchinson

Stress is a BIG problem! Numbers vary depending on where you look but reports suggest that stress and time-off because of stress is costing the UK economy anywhere between £40 - £50 billion a year!


If you want to improve the health of yourself, your organisation or the people with whom you live and work, then this session could help!


In the 2-hour workshop, we aim to better understand what stress is, what it does to us and why. We will also have a look at the concept of personal resilience and talk about a few coping mechanisms which might help reduce the impact of stress on our health & wellbeing.


This event will be run by Phil Hutchinson from Lantern who will look after you and make sure you have a comfortable and enjoyable couple of hours! You can get involved as much or as little as you like but you will also get a handy workbook to take away for later use or sharing as you wish.


The session will be held at Mosaic on Thursday 22nd Feb with an arrival time of 0930 for coffee and introductions. We aim to be done by 12:00 but Phil will be around to have any follow-up chats thereafter.


Book your ticket here, places are limited.